Google approached Cardinal Path about them being the primary Go-To market firm for all things Google Marketing Platform before COVID. They recommended a rebrand, Viciti was the brand that was born out of this.
Because of COVID this project was ended and the organization instead ended up taking an alternative route and merged with Merkle, a company that was also under Dentsu (Parent Company). Below is the brand work that was done for Viciti.
Brand discovery meeting presentation.
I met with the c-suite at Cardinal Path and took them through a workshop on the brand to make informed creative decisions. These slides display the options and intentional decisions made based on the organizations values with considerations from the c-suite.

Draft Boards and Brand Guides
Now that the logo was decided on, work on coming up with the overall look and feel of the brand was in order. The brand went back and forth between sterile and playful until it found a happy medium.

Employee "swag" kit

Unfortunately a final version of the brand guide was never completed since the project was ended in April 2020. Due to COVID there were concerns that announcing/ celebrating a rebrand amidst a global health crisis would not be good PR. Cardinal Path later on in 2022 official joined Merkle and now is Merkle | Cardinal Path. Efforts are now on re-skinning the Cardinal Path brand to being Merkle compliant.